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Portal information

Scientific portal kazconf.com - organizes scientific conferences at the international level.

Portal have been organized 45 international scientific conferences since from 2020 to the present day. The conference was attended by authors from Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey, Great Britain, China, Malaysia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and other countries. The conference is attended by scientists and students of universities, teachers of college and schools.

Articles submitted to the conference are checked by experts, consisting of specialists from different industries. Articles that have received positive feedback from experts will be published in the conference collection. Each collection of conferences undergoes state registration and receives an ISBN.

Proceedings of conferences are placed in electronic form in the archive section. Authors of articles are issued a certificate.

The scientific portal kazconf.com is registered with the Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and received a certificate No.KZ36VPY00022176 dated 09.04.2020.

The owner of the portal is the research center "Bilim Innovations Group". The center was accredited by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and received a certificate No.000262 dated October 22, 2021.

Editor-in-Chief scientific portal, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – Assan Amangeldiyev.